How to create a fake virus with notepad

How to create a prank virus in notepad for free

This post is about how to create a prank virus in notepad.I am going to make a simple batch file in this tutorial you can download this file below or watch my video tutorial to do that.This is just a prank virus it will not harm your computer and it’s a bunch of popup codes.When a non-tech person open it he become in worry this is your responsibility to tell him its just a prank virus.This is a way you fooled him.

How to create an awesome prank virus in notepad?

Prank virus message box

For creating this virus you first need to download this text file and open this.

Prank virus code

Then click file on notepad and click save as and save the file anywhere in the computer as .vbs extension
Just open the file for testing it will not harm your computer anyway.<

Understanding the Batch file code

This code is used for generating popup message box

X=MsgBox(“Message Description”,0+16,”Title”)

Here is explanation for above code
  1. Message Description  – Show the message what you want.
  2. Button – Type of button like OK, Yes, No, Cancel etc
  3. Icon –  It shows the icon of the message box
  4. Title – Show the title of the message box

You can also write 1,2,3 and 4 instead of 0 as shown in above code

0 = OK Button,
1 = OK / Cancel Button,
2 = Abort / Retry / Ignore Button,
3 = Yes / No / Cancel Button,
4 = Yes / No Button,
5 = Retry / Cancel Button

You can also write 32,48,64 instead of 16 as shown in above code

16 = Critical Icon,
32 = Help Icon,
48 = Warning Icon,
64 = Information Icon,

Download the virus text file

Here is the video tutorial
